Thursday, April 24, 2008

Water Turbines To Be Installed On St. Lawrence River

FROM BLOG: EcoFuss - Ecofuss is an environmental-friendly blog with daily posts written by our dedicated writers. We speak about environmental issues and ways to get the Earth greener.

Verdant Water Turbine

The latest project that involves harvesting wave power is being developed on the St. Lawrence River. The energy will be stored with the help of water turbines that will generate renewable energy using the strong current of the river.

The project is funded by the Ontario Government and will provide 15 megawatts of electricity which is enough for 11,000 houses. The turbines were developed by Verdant Power Canada, a Burlington based company, and they are using Free FlowTM Turbine technology and they will be installed near Cornwall.

The Ontario Government will invest about $2.2 million into the The Cornwall Ontario River Energy (CORE) Project under the Innovation Demonstration Fund that is destined to provide renewable energies which will replace the coal and oil dependence.

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